Monday, July 16, 2007

Transformers, Before and Now

Being a Transformers fanatic as a child, watching the Two thousand Seven adaptation of the classic is mind blowing. I actually cried when Optimus Prime died in the Eighties Movie of the Cartoon and watched the same movie repetitiously for my whole summer vacation. Memorized each line and singing songs from the sound track; the eighties movie has truly engaged my imagination as a child.

Two Decades later the cartoon movie, Producer Steven Spielberg phoned Michael Bay to offer the latest rendition of the classic. However, Michael Bay dismissed the project as a “stupid toy movie”. Michael Bay is the genius behind Armageddon, The Rock and Pearl Harbor. Later, giving the benefit of the doubt, which, he also gave Raiders of the Lost Ark that turned to be a hit classic, gave Transformers the chance it well deserved. Michael Bay applied his film brilliance to making the movie. Special effects, with collaboration with the US Military to authenticate the military roles of the human characters played a special role in making the movie.

The thing that thrilled me the most is Optimus Prime voice actor Peter Cullen playing the Autobot leader. Lines like “One shall stand, One shall fall”, “Megatron must be stopped... no matter the cost!”, and “Autobots, roll out” reminded me of the exact words taken from the old movie. I’m still in wonder while writing this. The moment it started and Optimus Prime explained their origin, I felt childhood delight. Too bad for Frank Welker, who played Megatron in the original was affected by age in his voice that did not fit for the present day Megatron. The effects of the movie is second to none, the robots blended so well with the actors that you couldn’t tell which one is computer generated.

The storyline, action and humor is so entertaining from start to finish. My complain is… I want more! Can’t wait for the sequel to be released in Two Thousand Nine.

Sources:, HBO Special: The Making of Transformers